Spiritual Readings


What is a Spiritual Reading

A spiritual reading is a method of spiritual healing and counseling that aims to identify and release negative spiritual imprints, beliefs, and programs that may be influencing an individual's life. It is based on the premise that our present-day challenges and issues may be linked to past experiences, including those from previous lifetimes.

How is a spiritual reading performed

Practitioners use dowsing (a form of divination) and a set of charts to communicate with the subconscious mind and Higher Self of the individual. The process involves accessing the Akashic Records, a supposed compendium of all human experiences and knowledge, to identify and clear negative influences. The negative imprints or programs are believed to be blocking the individual's spiritual growth and causing challenges in various aspects of life.


Spiritual Reading

In a typical session, individuals can typically expect a process focused on identifying and releasing negative spiritual imprints and programs that may be influencing their lives.

Here's what you might anticipate:

  1. Discussion and Assessment: The session often begins with a discussion where the practitioner gathers information about your concerns, challenges, and goals. This helps them understand the areas of your life that may benefit from spiritual clearing.

  2. Dowsing and Chart Work: Practitioners use dowsing tools, such as a pendulum, along with a set of charts, to communicate with your subconscious mind and Higher Self. This process aids in identifying negative spiritual imprints, beliefs, and programs that may be affecting your well-being.

  3. Identification of Issues: Through the use of charts and dowsing, the practitioner will identify specific issues, patterns, or blockages in your spiritual records that may be contributing to challenges in your current life.

  4. Clearing Process: Once identified, the practitioner works on clearing these negative influences. This involves requesting guidance from your Higher Self to release and replace these patterns with positive, supportive energies. The clearing is believed to extend to past lifetimes as well.

  5. Insights and Integration: Throughout the session, you may receive insights into the origins of certain challenges or patterns. The practitioner may also offer guidance on how to integrate the clearing into your daily life for continued positive effects.

  6. Energetic Release: Some individuals report feeling a sense of lightness or energetic release after a session. Others may experience a shift in perspective or a greater sense of clarity.